Employing Dynamics of Jungian Compensation to Foster Psychological Coherence with ICTs

Employing Dynamics of Jungian Compensation to Foster Psychological Coherence with ICTs

Stephen Brock Schafer
DOI: 10.4018/IJPHIM.2016010103
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As we experience a paradigm shift into a media age, ICTs are altering the psychological parameters of human reality. The premise of this paper is that the psychological dynamics of interactive images projected as Media Dreams correspond with the psychological and structural dynamics of dream images as defined by Carl G. Jung. If this is true, images in the media—denominated “media dreams”—mirror patterns of energy and information in what Jung called the collective unconscious. Jung called dream images archetypal representations because they are relatively conscious projections of unconscious quantum/archetypal energy patterns which are structured as metaphorical drama. Ongoing cognitive research verifies that—indeed—the cognitive unconscious has the framework of metaphorical drama and that these story patterns correlate with energy patterns in the nervous system. (Lakoff, George, 2008, p. 23) Therefore, quantum, neurobiological, and media dimensions can be correlated—and coordinated using cognitive biofeedback. Fundamental to Jungian healing with dream analysis is the principle that dreams “have a purpose,” and that the purpose is the discovery of meaning through “compensation” or harmonization of conscious and unconscious psyche using biofeedback. Jungian compensation is a process (the Amplification Method) that defines an essentially coherent psychic state. Recent research on coherence confirms that coherent states “heal” and such states can be evoked with specific feedback technologies. Abundant research confirms that coherent psychological states increase emotional and perceptual stability as well as alignment among the physical, cognitive, and emotional systems. (McCraty & Childre, 2010) The author's hypothesis is that the images projected by information and communication technologies (ICTs)—the media dreams of a population—are subject to psychological analysis and compensation in order to disclose and address unconscious sources of psychological stress in contextual collectives. Coherence is the measurable quintessence of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare.
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Carl Jung discovered that providing compensational feedback to assist patients understand the symbolic meaning in their dream images can lead to insight as to the causes of subconscious problems. According to Jung, dream images are “archetypal projections” of subconscious “functional” (thinking, feeling, sensing, intuiting) energy and information patterns. Because such projections display dramatic patterns that are essentially recursive, unconscious meaning can be accessed because it is reflected in the projected symbolic images. Archetypal projections are much like pixel projections in which meaning resides both in the images projected and in the computer programs that pattern the pixels. Jung’s clinical observations demonstrated that gradual insight as to the symbolic meaning in a series of dream content images has the capacity to “compensate” for cognitive dissonance; i.e. the compensational process leads to cognitive energy patterns that have harmonious frequency. This is possible due to the dramatic-semantic structure of energy patterns in both conscious and unconscious cognitive dimensions. This compensational, “amplification method” depends upon a psychiatrist’s empathetic feedback which consists of metaphorical amplification relative to symbolic meaning embedded in dream images. Therefore, the amplification method constitutes a biofeedback language that can be simulated with ICTs.

A new era for research on quantum cognitive processes supports Jungian empirical observations relative to the nature of Archetypes of the Unconscious. Essentially, unconscious archetypes are quantum energy patterns that seem directly correlated with ICTs. Like archetypes, ICTs are energy configurations that are projected as recursive dreamlike images which share the fundamental patterns of narrative and metaphor. Dr. George Lakoff has already addressed the subject of creating a computational model of narrative (Lakoff & Narayanan, 2010), and the recent discovery of quantum vibrations in neural “microtubules” (Hameroff & Penrose, 2014) tends to validate the measurability of connections among quantum, neural, and functional scales. Related ongoing research can be listed ad infinitum under the headings of virtual realities, neural networks, computational anthropology, cloud computing, data mining, and machine intelligence. The MIT Technology Review recently reported that researchers strive to create the “source code” for studying culture as a formal computational concept. (Aiello, Schfanella, & State, 2014). Advances in brain-scanning technologies makes study of neural processes possible (Trafton, Anne, 2014), and rapidly evolving methodologies such as Particle based simulations (physX flex) (2014) and “superconducting spintronics” pave the way for next-generation computing. (Kirk, Tom, 2014).

Such technological advances have spawned an array of research in AI, simulation, and robotics that, from the historical standpoint, are absolutely surreal. A constant stream of research papers is being reported relative to such subjects as, The curious evolution of artificial life, (2014); On the origin of robot species: robots building robots by “natural selection” (Saffell, Nick, 2015); and A robot just passed the self-awareness test (Geere, Duncan, 2015). Virtual reality applications extend in every direction ranging from military training to video game play: Creating massive virtual worlds for [military] training. (2015); Playing games might help AI advance (Knight, Will, 2015); and Immersive media: to the holodeck and beyond (Boyd, Frank, 2015).

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