Digital Bangladesh

Digital Bangladesh

Masudul Alam Choudhury
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/jide.2013010103
(Individual Articles)
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The present fever to launch an extensive digitalization program is sweeping the Bangladesh political, business, and elitist minds. In the face of an overarching outlook of sustainable development the Bangladesh digitalization program runs into some grave questions. The paper points out that ethics as a strongly endogenous force in development is indispensable to keep in view the simultaneity of attaining growth and social justice. These targets are variously manifested in different sectors and quarters of the beneficiaries of growth and development. In this perspective, various comparative works in the literature are invoked toward establishing the essential national wellbeing for alleviating poverty. Wellbeing is established by participative complementarities between economic growth and social justice and their disaggregate manifestations. The digital good must therefore be understood as a socially inclusive empowering good, not as an element of traditional economic theory wherein only efficiency, and thus globalization and maximization behavior, turn out to be of sole attention. The paper introduces a new model upholding participative complementary synergy, learning, and unification by an epistemic guidance of development ethics. Such a model invokes a system and cybernetic approach that combines in an innovative way the analytical with the system and cybernetic view of development. Various facts and figures relating to Bangladesh vis-à-vis development are expounded to establish the case.
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Bangladesh Emphasis On Digitalization

The second most often spoken issue in political Bangladesh today that is found in the lips of the Prime Minister and her cabinet ministers is Digital Bangladesh (Musalin, 2009). In their vision they include all mostly small, medium sized or big corporations that would benefit from ICT program by using e-business and e-commerce. The economic goals of penetrating global markets and deepening the business community in Bangladesh are primal in the minds of the digital drivers of the nation. In the perspective of the globalization goals the focus is placed on ICT market strategies that would promote the relevant technologies and strengthen the financial sector. The latter is inevitably the business community and banks and financial firms that promote intd\er-bank money transfer and transaction, loan system, L/C finance, shipping, supply chain and credits. Business competition and efficiency are foremost in the ICT vision. Bangladesh thinks of competing with other nations in gaining market shares. By such methods the inhering technology, stakeholders, and sectors of the economy that most directly align with the Government’s globalization and ICT vision are to benefit from the ICT turnovers.

The legal and health systems also play a significant role in all areas of the community. This is despite the fact that the legal system in Bangladesh is one of the most corrupt in the world. There is no independence of the judiciary from political lineage. Decisions are ratified by the Supreme Court summarily on Parliamentary decisions that are exclusively made within the majority governing party, Awami League.

While the ICT should enable lawyers with enough information with easy access to defend their clients, the burning issue today to try and hang so-called war criminals of Bangladesh Independence is being carried out by a Government appointed so-called International Crimes Tribunal of hand-picked people. The Government upholds the faites complete conclusion on such a trial to take place. The accused are not allowed to benefit from fair representation either by the prevailing legal authority or by individual freedom of access to legal defense. Digital access thus does not work for the freedom of expression and representation including legal defense for those who are left out of the political equation. Contrarily, the digital artifact is being used to perpetuate just the contrary on the political and commercial scene (Appendix).

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