Developing Leadership Cultural Agility for Civil Discourse

Developing Leadership Cultural Agility for Civil Discourse

Marisa Cleveland, Simon Cleveland
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/IJSEUS.2021070101
(Individual Articles)
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Organizations continue to increase their presence in the global landscape, and their leaders are frequently challenged by the political, socio-economic, and cultural diversity of the growing workforce. The global organization's culture and climate are often influenced by employees' education, local political involvement, and digital and medial landscape. As a result, organizational leaders should develop culturally agile competencies in order to engage and motivate their employees. This study examines the role and need for cultivating cultural agility in leaders of global organizations in an effort to assist them in developing effective civil discourse among their followers.
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Cultural Agility

The pattern of speech and expressed thoughts, choice of language, and topics of national discussions all impact perceptions of self and of others (Whillock, 2002). Part of those perceptions relate to cultural differences. People use a variety of styles to communicate, and based upon these routinely used patterns of speech and stance on issues, assumptions are made as to the individual’s macro features such as gender or ethnicity (Wilson, 2013).

As global corporations continue to hire employees from around the world, individual cultures are merging with organizational ones. Adults already in the workforce are learning to adapt to the cross-cultural engagements, but without the proper education or training to promote the cultural adaptability, efforts to produce positive corporate results may fail.

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