Creating a Scale for Service: The Volunteer UCF Continuum

Creating a Scale for Service: The Volunteer UCF Continuum

Jarrad D. Plante, Thomas A. Bryer, Haley G. Winston
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/IJAVET.2019070104
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This article presents a model that is based on Eyler and Giles' Five Elements of Citizenship, where students learn about Volunteer UCF through marketing strategies, participate in one-time service or educational events, and then pursue continuous involvement based on their positive experiences. Students transition to leadership roles by serving on a social topic committee and move up to social topic director managing their own committee. Some students aspire to be an administrative student leader and incorporate large-scale institutional projects and events. The final stage for students is committing to lifelong community engagement opportunities post-graduation. The results will inform where the touch points are at the higher education institution, so administrators can apprise bureaucracy and cultural barriers to help students progress through the scale for service within the continuum.
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The purpose of this article is to justify the various service-learning programs at UCF, based on existing literature. The Volunteer UCF Continuum analysis illustrates the features of the continuum for simulation within various co-curricular student involvement and student affairs units – offices, centers, or agencies that are at different colleges and universities – thus creating a scale for service.

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