Convolution Neural Network Architectures for Motor Imagery EEG Signal Classification

Convolution Neural Network Architectures for Motor Imagery EEG Signal Classification

Nagabushanam Perattur, S. Thomas George, D. Raveena Judie Dolly, Radha Subramanyam
DOI: 10.4018/IJAIML.2021010102
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This paper has made a survey on motor imagery EEG signals and different classifiers to analyze them. Resolution for medical images like CT, MRI can be improved using deep sense CNN and improved resolution technology. Drowsiness of a student can be analyzed using deep CNN and it helps in teaching, assessment of the student. The authors have proposed 1D-CNN with 2 layers and 3 layers architecture to classify EEG signal for eyes open and eyes closed conditions. Various activation functions and combinations are tried for 2-layer 1D-CNN. Similarly, various loss models are applied in compile model to check the CNN performance. Simulation is carried out using Python 2.7 and 1D-CNN with 3 layers show better performance as it increases number of training parameters by increasing number of layers in the architecture. Accuracy and kappa coefficient increase whereas hamming loss and logloss decreases by increasing number of layers in CNN architecture.
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2.1 Motor Imagery Classification

5-layer CNN extract features and classify motor imagery EEG with left hand and right-hand movements (Zhichuan Tang, et. al, 2016). Conventional methods like SVM with power, SVM with common spatial pattern and SVM with autoregression are used in motor imagery classification. CNN performs better than the conventional classification methods. Combining deep learning with data augmentation for 2-way motor imagery classification (Zhiwen Zhang et. al, 2018). EMD decomposes EEG, mixes their IMFs to form new artificial frames of EEG, applied as inputs to complex morlet wavelets. CNN with wavelet NN helps in obtaining higher classification accuracy. STFT trains EG and give frequency domain representation. CNN and LSTM are deep NN used for EEG motor imagery classification with promising results (ZijianWang, 2017).

Spatial distributions, β and µ rhythms help in imagery activities classification of EEG signals. Gradient descent, MLP are used for training the neural network which may lead to less accuracy, speed of convergence, PSO-GSA attains better accuracy, convergence speed in motor imagery classification (Sajjad Afrakhteh et. al, 2018), (Rahul Kala et. al, 2011). EEG muscular motor imagery is approximated based on RBF, further conventional MLP-NN and asynchronous NN are applied to increase accuracy, speed of control for the EEG classification (I. E. Shepelev et. al, 2018). Unclean EEG filtering, low SNR problems can be addressed using traditional BPNN, however an improved BPNN with weight splitting technique and PSO for appropriately training the low weights help in better motor imagery classification (Long Liu, 2019). Table 1 shows various techniques on motor imagery EEG

Table 1.
Various motor imagery EEG aspects and techniques used
AuthorsYearType of DiseaseApproachesAchievement
Sunny T. D. et. al2016Motor imagery classificationBayesian spatio-spectral filtersClassification performance
Rami Alazrai et. al2018Decoding finger movements-EEGChoi William, quadratic T-F2-way classification
Akara Supratak et. al2017Sleep stage scoringCNN, bidirectional LSTMAccuracy, F1 score
Nicola Michielli et. al2019Sleep stage classificationCascaded LSTM RNNNeuro cognitive performance
Arnaud Sors et. al2017Sleep stage scoringCNNCohort study, class wise patterns
Irene Sturm et. al2016Motor imagery classificationLayer-wise propagationNeural activity complex perception

2.1.1. Inferences

  • Motor imagery classification with left hand, right hand movement can be done using conventional methods, CNN.

  • Gradient descent, MLP are conventional training NN methods, PSO-GSA can give better convergence speed in motor imagery classifications.

  • MLP-NN, asynchronous NN can increase accuracy, speed of control in muscular motor imagery EEG signal classification.

  • Improved BPNN with weight splitting and PSO for appropriate weights training achieve better accuracy for motor imagery EEG classification.

  • Deep EEG features and classification for motor imagery can be done using STFT, CNN and LSTM.

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