Constructing the Collaborative Supply Logistics Operation Mode in Assembly System under JIT Environment

Constructing the Collaborative Supply Logistics Operation Mode in Assembly System under JIT Environment

Guo Li, Tao Gao, Lun Ran
DOI: 10.4018/japuc.2011040101
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In the JIT assembly system, if any supplier does not deliver the raw materials or components on time, or in the right quantity, the core manufacturers will not assemble on the schedule, which will bring great loss to the whole supply chain and greatly reduce the competitiveness and collaboration of the entire supply chain. Based on a survey on supply chain collaboration and operation model, supply logistics in JIT environment are analyzed from both the inside and outside system with the research goal of coordinating the upstream supply logistics. In order to help manufacturers implement the JIT production, the VMI-Hub operation mode is proposed from the aspect of inside system, and from outside system, cross-docking dispatch operation mode is considered to coordinate the supply logistics in assembly system.
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2. Literature Review

Generally speaking, collaboration between enterprises or partners in the supply chain can be divided into strategy level collaboration, tactics level collaboration and technical level collaboration. However, the strategy level collaboration is the highest level, but the technical collaboration can realize the synchronous operation between partners in the supply chain and the information sharing supported by collaboration technology. The collaboration can also be divided into demand forecasting collaboration, product design collaboration, plan collaboration, purchase collaboration and inventory collaboration from the aspect of collaboration content.

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