Cognitive Theories of Concepts and Wittgenstein's Rule-Following: Concept Updating, Category Extension, and Referring

Cognitive Theories of Concepts and Wittgenstein's Rule-Following: Concept Updating, Category Extension, and Referring

Marco Cruciani, Francesco Gagliardi
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/IJSVR.2021010102
(Individual Articles)
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In this article, the authors try to answer the following questions: How can an object/instance seen for the first time extend a category or update a concept? How is it possible to determine the reference of a concept that represents a behaviour? In the first case, the authors discuss the learning of inferential linguistic competence used to update a concept through an approach based on prototype theory. In the second case, the authors discuss the learning of referential linguistic competence used to determine the reference of a concept (i.e., determination of an actual behaviour) through an approach based on embodied cognition. The authors show how combining prototype-based and embodied categorization in Wittgenstein's rule-following praxis (the individual and community dimension), linguistic learning of a concept (inferential competence), and determination of its reference (referential competence) can be traced back to the same model.
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Lexical Competence, Acquisition Of Typical Features And Reference

Here the authors introduce lexical competence, outline the role of typical features and present the modalities of reference determination.

Lexical competence means the ability of a speaker both to understand a concept conveyed by language and to refer to the object of which the concept is a representation. Using Marconi (1997) we could talk about inferential lexical competence when we understand a concept (e.g., the characteristics of the insect), and about referential competence when we are able to connect a concept with an object (e.g., the insect).

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