Choosing Clouds for an Enterprise: Modeling and Evaluation

Choosing Clouds for an Enterprise: Modeling and Evaluation

Ruay-Shiung Chang, Chih-Shan Liao, Chuan-Yu Liu
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/ijeei.2013040103
(Individual Articles)
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The development of cloud computing has advanced rapidly over the past few years. Benefiting from the dynamic characteristics of cloud computing, enterprises can purchase cloud services based on different aspects in order to save operating expenses. Many companies have seen the opportunities and changes in either cloud service providers or cloud service consumers. For the latter, with so many cloud providers to choose from, there is a need for an evaluation of standards to help find the most suitable service provider. In this paper, the essential factors of enterprise clouds are discussed. An evaluation model is defined, and a web-based enterprise cloud selection application is implemented.
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What is cloud computing? There are numeros ways to describe this new technology. We can think of cloud computing as a way to deliver computing as a resource to required users over a network, which is usually the Internet. Computing resources, information and fundamental hardware can be shared to users with devices that have access to the network. For an enterprise, cloud computing can be seen as a way to improve the robustness of their company.

In Armbrust et al. (2009), a detailed view of cloud computing is presented. The cost of moving into cloud computing is discussed and the cost of maintaining traditional computing resources and renting cloud computing resources are compared. Some of the essential features of cloud computing are briefly discussed in Xu (2012). In Lombardi (2011), the security issues of cloud computing are discussed and a solution is proposed. In Paquette (2010), Cody (2008), Subashini (2011), and Zissis (2012), more information is discussed with regard to the security issues of cloud computing. Information related to the contractual and legal issues of cloud services are mentioned in Parrilli (2010). In Khajeh-Hosseini (2010), the cost of cloud computing is discussed from the cloud service provider’s and cloud service consumer’s perspective. The strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threads of cloud computing are identified in Marston (2011). The advantages for enterprises to embrace cloud computing are discussed in Rosenthal (2010), Sultan (2011). More advantages of cloud computing are written about in Sultan (2010).

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