Characterization of No-Bake Phenolic-Isocyanate and Furanic Binders in Different Base Metal Casting Sands

Characterization of No-Bake Phenolic-Isocyanate and Furanic Binders in Different Base Metal Casting Sands

Oscar E. Sotomayor, Jefferson Anrango, Carlos Diaz Campoverde
DOI: 10.4018/IJMMME.299042
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This paper presents test results for silica and corundum base metals casting sands. Standardized tests were carried out to understand physical and mechanical properties of the metal casting sands and molding mixtures prepared with these refractory bases. Grain distribution, grain size, grain shape classification, moisture content, pH, LOI, Weibull distribution tensile test, permeability and roughness are the properties that have been evaluated. Tensile, permeability and roughness tests are carried out with different molding mixtures changing base sand and Phenolic-isocyanate and Furanic binders. The results of the tensile test were adjusted to a Weibull distribution. Weibull modulus of each molding mixture and the strength at a probability of failure of 63% is obtained. The permeability and roughness results were subjected to ANOVA and T-Test. Regular grains contributes to increase strength of molding mixture while permeability is not affected by time and amount of binder.
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Ii. Material And Method

A. Materials

For the development of this research, types of silica sands from two different suppliers (Sierra Central and Sibelco) is uses. Another, corundum base sand from a third supplier (Cast Ball from Mineração Curimbaba) is also studied. A summary of the main characteristics of these base sand is presented in Table 1. On the other hand, phenolic-urethane (PUNB) and furanic resin (FA) are the chemical binders applied in the research due to their widespread use.

The molding mixtures to be evaluated are shown in Table 2. In the table the abbreviation PUNB means Phenolic-urethane No Bake System and the abbreviation FA means Furan Resin. Characteristics such as grain size, amount of fine powder, moisture content, pH and LOI, were determined based on procedures given in the Mold & Core Test Handbook from AFS.

The classification of the grain shape is carried out based on Figures 1, 2 and 3. According to the AFS 1107-12-S procedure, the shape of the different base sands is as follows: Sibelco silica sand and Sierra Central silica sand have a subangular shape and Corundum Cast Ball has a rounded shape.

Table 1.
Characteristics of the base sands used
Base sandGrain Size
AFS index
Amount of fine powder (%)Moisture content (%)pHLOI (%)
Silica sand Sierra Central39,420,340,027,150,3
Silica sand Sibelco56,092,180,057,080,55
Corundum Cast Ball51,461,940,016,840,03
Figure 1.

Corundum Cast Ball, magnification x20.

Figure 2.

Silica sand Sierra Central, magnification x20.

Figure 3.

Silica sand Sibelco, magnification x20.


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