Can Gamification Concepts Work With E-Government?

Can Gamification Concepts Work With E-Government?

Emad Ahmed Abu-Shanab, Malak Rasheed Al-Sayed
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2019070103
(Individual Articles)
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This article predicts the adoption of e-government websites and services by focusing on gamification and enjoyment factors. The sample uses ranked use of points and coupons as the most suitable schemes, while excluding the use of quests and puzzles. In predicting the intention to use e-government, five constructs were used: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, enjoyment and innovation, positive influence on government image and negative influence of government images. Results indicated a significant role for enjoyment and innovation based on the gamification context. The influence on government image (positive and negative) were not significant in predicting the intention to use e-government. The coefficient of determination of the regression model was 0.655, which explains 65.5% of the variance in ITU.
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1. Background

Electronic government (or e-government) is the utilization of technologies, especially Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), to better interact with citizens and to improve the provision of services offered by government agencies. E-government pledged citizens with an increase in government’s efficiency, transparency and legitimacy (Gordon, 2002; Abu-Shanab, 2013; Nepal et al., 2015).

By providing easy access and service delivery, engaging with e-government can influence several sides such as productivity, performance, support for services, skill development, behavior change, feedback and useful abstraction of raw data (Alloghani et al., 2017; Abu-Shanab, 2017; Bista et al., 2014). The successful collaboration between citizens and the governments, in the form of partnership, leads to co-operation or we-government concepts (Deterding et al., 2011; Bista et al., 2012). Such transformation incentivizes citizens to be active and contribute as an equal partner in public service delivery.

The development of the social web has influenced the way e-government works, how it implements its services and policies, and what are the social considerations related to each step it takes. The social web expanded the reach of e-government in delivering rich public services through a multi-channel strategy. Rich technologies attract citizens to be active participant in service delivery choices and policy formulation (Gordon, 2002; Nepal et al., 2015; Khasawneh & Abu-Shanab, 2013). Governments can use social media to reach for citizens by answering any question through an informal channel that is closer to citizens (Saulles, 2011).

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