Business Continuity Management in Micro Enterprises: Perception, Strategies, and Use of ICT

Business Continuity Management in Micro Enterprises: Perception, Strategies, and Use of ICT

Marc-André Kaufhold, Thea Riebe, Christian Reuter, Julian Hester, Danny Jeske, Lisa Knüver, Viktoria Richert
DOI: 10.4018/IJISCRAM.2018010101
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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represent 99% of enterprises in Germany and more than 95% in the European Union. Given the recent increase of natural disasters and man-made crises and emergencies, it seems an important economic goal to ascertain that SMEs are capable of maintaining their work, revenue and profit at an acceptable level. According to ISO 22301, business continuity management (BCM) is a holistic management process which identifies potential threats and their impact to an organization and serves as a framework to increase organizational resilience and response capabilities. Prior research identified that BCM is under-represented in SMEs and that their security level is partially in an uneconomical range. This article presents the analysis of interviews with 19 independent micro enterprises highlighting findings on their low crisis awareness, varying technical dependency, existing action strategies and communication strategies and proposing a categorization of micro enterprises as preventive technicians, data-intensive chains or pragmatic jumpers.
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This section provides a literature review on the characteristics and definitions of SMEs and BCM. Furthermore, the distribution of BCM in SMEs, with a special focus on micro enterprises, are discussed to motivate the research gap addressed in this article.

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