Blockchain-Based Traceability of Counterfeited Drugs

Blockchain-Based Traceability of Counterfeited Drugs

Bipin Kumar Rai, Shivya Srivastava, Shruti Arora
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.318129
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In the healthcare industry, providing a vital backbone for services is critical. The supply chain is a complex network that crosses organizational and geographical borders. In the healthcare business, counterfeit pills are one of the primary reasons for the harmful impact on human health and financial loss. Thus, pharmaceutical supply chains and end-to-end tracking systems are the recent research in healthcare. In this paper, the authors propose blockchain-based traceability of counterfeited drugs (BBTCD) that implements tracking of counterfeited drugs using smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. They offer a solution to fully decentralize the tracking by storing BBTCD on IPFS (inter planetary file system) to provide transparency and cost-effectiveness.
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