Big Data Security Management Countermeasures in the Prevention and Control of Computer Network Crime

Big Data Security Management Countermeasures in the Prevention and Control of Computer Network Crime

Hongning Wang
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.295450
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This paper aims to study the Countermeasures of big data security management in the prevention and control of computer network crime in the absence of relevant legislation and judicial practice. Starting from the concepts and definitions of computer crime and network crime, this paper puts forward the comparison matrix, investigation and statistics method and characteristic measure of computer crime. Through the methods of crime scene investigation, network investigation and network tracking, this paper studies the big data security management countermeasures in the prevention and control of computer network crime from the perspective of criminology. The experimental results show that the phenomenon of low age is serious, and the number of Teenagers Participating in network crime is on the rise. In all kinds of cases, criminals under the age of 35 account for more than 50%.
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1. Introduction

With the development and popularization of network and information processing technology, the subjects involved in computer network crimes have become increasingly non-professional, younger, and the types of crimes are becoming more complex and diversified. Judging from the analysis of research papers on the Criminal Procedure Law in recent years, the current research on computer crimes and cybercrimes is in an ascendant stage, but judicial practice lacks the support of corresponding legislation and theoretical research. Relevant research mostly starts from a certain aspect of network security and criminal law, such as network protection, criminal types of criminal law and related criminal law provisions or from a purely technical perspective such as the construction of a certain network technology to prevent intrusion. However, there are not many materials to study computer crime and cybercrime from the perspective of criminology. Most research materials often divide computer crime and cybercrime into two different concepts to study. This is bound to give people an illusion that computer crime and cybercrime. Cybercrime is two different crimes, and their scope and conviction and punishment are naturally different. But I believe that if there is no network, there will be no computer crime. Because of the lack of network interconnectivity, a single computer is at best a data processor, word processing tool, or a large-capacity storage device for storing information (Namasudra, 2018). From this perspective, the research on this type of computer-related crimes can also be attributed to traditional crimes. Infringement of computer ownership, computer theft, criminal use that violates the personal rights of citizens, crimes of infringing privacy through computer networks, etc., or crimes of infringing on commercial secrets and important information.

On the other hand, if there were only networks and no computers, the so-called cybercrimes or computer crimes would never happen today. The existence of the network did not follow the birth of the computer. The birth of the network was earlier than that of the computer. Today, computers and networks have merged into an indivisible whole, an organic part of cyberspace. In this organic whole, in addition to computers and network hardware equipment, there are also system platforms, software that support the operation of computer network systems, information processing, and various information sources that exist on the Internet and are exchanged and transmitted (Parada, 2018). These are indispensable of the components. It is precisely because of the diversification and complexity of these factors that computer network crimes are almost all-encompassing.

In view of the far-reaching impact of computers on social life and the seriousness of computer-supported crimes infringing on legal interests, the existing fruitful research results on computer crimes are still difficult to meet the requirements of regulating computer crimes, and more people should come to study them. Computer crime, with the continuous development of computer technology, the influence of computers on society continues to increase, and more and more traditional crime fields also involve computer operations. There are currently several cases of theft through illegal modification of computer system data, and similar situations abound. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that computer crimes or computer-related crimes should become one of the core issues of criminal law research. Caring about computer crimes is caring about the future of our society.

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