Automatic Text Summarization by Providing Coverage, Non-Redundancy, and Novelty Using Sentence Graph

Automatic Text Summarization by Providing Coverage, Non-Redundancy, and Novelty Using Sentence Graph

Krishnaveni P., Balasundaram S. R.
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2022010108
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The day-to-day growth of online information necessitates intensive research in automatic text summarization (ATS). The ATS software produces summary text by extracting important information from the original text. With the help of summaries, users can easily read and understand the documents of interest. Most of the approaches for ATS used only local properties of text. Moreover, the numerous properties make the sentence selection difficult and complicated. So this article uses a graph based summarization to utilize structural and global properties of text. It introduces maximal clique based sentence selection (MCBSS) algorithm to select important and non-redundant sentences that cover all concepts of the input text for summary. The MCBSS algorithm finds novel information using maximal cliques (MCs). The experimental results of recall oriented understudy for gisting evaluation (ROUGE) on Timeline dataset show that the proposed work outperforms the existing graph algorithms Bushy Path (BP), Aggregate Similarity (AS), and TextRank (TR).
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In a graph based summarization model, a node can be scored using information from the global graph. First, Mani and Bloedorn (1997) proposed graph representation of text. They described a new mechanism for summarizing the similarities and differences between a pair of related documents. Another work used the knowledge of text structure for producing summaries by automatic passage extraction (Salton, Singhal, Mitra, & Buckley, 1997). The earlier iterative graph algorithms are TextRank (Mihalcea & Tarau, 2004) and LexRank (Erkan & Radev, 2004). They can be applied to the summarization of a single or multiple documents in any language (Mihalcea & Tarau, 2005). Even though they are the best graph ranking algorithms, they have high time complexity. Some recent graph based ranking research works are Calvo et al. (2018), Feiyue and Xinchen (2018), and Tixier et al. (2017).

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