Automatic Reel Editing in Chip on Film Quality Control With Computer Vision

Automatic Reel Editing in Chip on Film Quality Control With Computer Vision

Shing Hwang Doong
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSOE.2021010101
(Individual Articles)
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Chip on film (COF) is a special packaging technology to pack integrated circuits in a flexible carrier tape. Chips packed with COF are primarily used in the display industry. Reel editing is a critical step in COF quality control to remove sections of congregating NG (not good) chips from a reel. Today, COF manufactures hire workers to count consecutive NG chips in a rolling reel with naked eyes. When the count is greater than a preset number, the corresponding section is removed. A novel method using object detection and object tracking is proposed to solve this problem. Object detection techniques including convolutional neural network (CNN), template matching (TM), and scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) were used to detect NG marks, and object tracking was used to track them with IDs so that congregating NG chips could be counted reliably. Using simulation videos similar to worksite scenes, experiments show that both CNN and TM detectors could solve the reel editing problem, while SIFT detectors failed. Furthermore, TM is better than CNN by yielding a real time solution.
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2. Literature Review

2.1 AI Supported Manufacturing Processes

In this era of consumer centric business environment, supply chain management has changed from push based model to pull based model for many consumer products (Janvier-James, 2012). After an order is received from a web frontend, the order is forwarded to uplink manufactures and probably their suppliers to start the manufacturing process. When products are ready for delivery, logistic companies are notified to pick up and deliver the order to customers in time. With the advent of internet of things, more and more manufacturers are starting to integrate their operational technology with information technology.

AI plays the role of a brain in Industry 4.0 applications. An Accenture research report shows that AI has the potential to boost profitability by 39% in manufacturing industry in 2035 (Purdy & Daugherty, 2017). AI helps factories with predictive maintenance to avoid unplanned downtime (Confalonieri et al., 2015), quality control to increase product profitability (Weimer et al., 2016), and job scheduling to increase manufacturing efficiency (Calis & Bulkan, 2015) among many other issues. Because of the unprecedented success of CNNs in computer vision applications, deep learning has been used in many recent AI supported manufacturing processes (Lin et al., 2018; Weimer et al., 2016).

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