Artificial Intelligence Heuristic for Combinatorial Routing Problem

Artificial Intelligence Heuristic for Combinatorial Routing Problem

R. Dhanalakshmi, T. Arunkumar, P. Parthiban, K. Ganesh
Copyright: © 2009 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/jitr.2009010102
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The banking industry has initiated an assortment of new customer services and products using Information Technology (IT) systems. The banking industry has gone through many modifications as a consequence of the introduction of IT. In fact, the configuration of the industry is incessantly altering because of speedy expansion of IT. The sustained accomplishment of IT applications means that the boundaries of existing IT computer systems in banks have to be re-developed to meet future necessities. Some banks were at the cutting edge of IT and have a clear vision of how IT could be furthered applied successfully in increasing the operational efficiency of banks. This paper is concerned with the combinatorial routing problem arisen for banking industry. An artificial intelligence (AI) heuristic is developed to solve the combinatorial routing problem and it is compared with the complete enumerated data set. AI heuristic yielded better solution in reasonable computing time.

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