Application of Structural Properties of Seismic Data to Prediction of Hydrocarbon Distribution

Application of Structural Properties of Seismic Data to Prediction of Hydrocarbon Distribution

Zhou Wei, Guo Haimin, Yaoting Lin
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSCI.2018070103
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This article describes how under the influence of traps and trap ranges in size, final moisture content in oil production and changes in the reservoir is very large. Due to this, thin and dispersed oil concentration, facies changes and oil complexes, and strong segmentation, results in poor comparability between wells and conventional methods of seismic reservoir prediction has been more difficult to meet the development needs of the block. Therefore, the introduction of methods of seismic data structure characteristics, with a method based on sequence structure of underground rock formations, rock and petroleum allows the prediction for oil and gas purposes. Through the application of seismic structural properties, the result has been verified in practice and achieved a good application effect.
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2. Basic Principle

The waveform structure characteristic of seismic data is the waveform characteristics of the discrete data elements in the same time order in each seismic data, respectively, depended on the longitudinal temporal arrangement and transverse spatial combination changes. The relationship between amplitude, velocity or frequency of each seismic path and gray abnormal period is studied by using the gray model, and by gray correlation, the potential hydrocarbon region is predicted (Lin, Wang, Ma, Chen, & Fang, 2000; Brown, 1996).

The basic idea of oil and gas prediction and the method of oil and gas prediction are as follows: Through the gray topology method of mathematics, each seismic data in the seismic data volume is mapped to the data track similar to the logging curve, and then the calculation the vector correlation analysis is carried out. Finally, the location and plane distribution of the oil and gas stratum are predicted.

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