Application of Multimedia Technology in PE Teaching in Colleges and Universities

Application of Multimedia Technology in PE Teaching in Colleges and Universities

Fugui Duan
DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.350184
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With the rapid development of information technology, multimedia technology has gradually penetrated various fields, including physical education in colleges and universities. Traditional physical education teaching methods lack interaction, and it is difficult to ensure the durability and depth of the effect of teaching. In college physical education teaching, multimedia technology can be displayed through various forms of media, and it helps to stimulate students' interest and enthusiasm in learning. Therefore, we need to find a new teaching method to improve current physical education in colleges and universities. This paper expounds the applications of multimedia technology in college physical education from three dimensions: video teaching, audio teaching, and virtual reality technology. The effect of applying multimedia technology in physical education teaching is analyzed through case studies. This paper will provide a useful reference for the innovation and development of physical education teaching in colleges and universities.
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Literature Review

Meng's (2023) research mainly discusses the transformation and development of teachers' roles in college English teaching reform. Firstly, it analyzes the problems existing in the traditional college English teaching mode, such as the teacher-led teaching mode, students' passive acceptance of knowledge, lack of interaction and practical links, and more. Subsequently, the transformation and development of teachers' roles are discussed, from knowledge imparting to learning guidance, from educators to learners, and from evaluators to tutors. Then, it puts forward the methods and strategies to change the role of teachers, such as advocating the student-centered teaching concept, providing diversified learning resources and activities, and establishing a positive learning environment. Meng’s research aims to improve the quality of classroom teaching and create a high-quality and high-level education model. However, it focuses on the integration of existing new technologies for analysis and exploration.

Kotiash et al. (2022) confirmed the necessity of extensive use of information and communication technology. They expound the advantages of using multimedia technology and the main direction of its practical application in education. They also summarize some factors that are helpful to improve the effectiveness of using multimedia learning. Furthermore, they point out that when choosing multimedia teaching tools, teachers must consider the uniqueness of a particular subject in order to provide scientific details, conceptual devices, and the characteristics of methods to study its laws. Multimedia technology must conform to the goals and objectives of the course and be an indispensable part of the learning process. Li and Wang (2021) focused on the analysis of the current situation of physical education in colleges and universities and reflected on the problem that traditional physical education in colleges and universities struggles to stimulate students' interest in sports, resulting in low activity participation rate and inability to exercise. Based on the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, their research studies how to improve the effectiveness of physical education and makes a comparative analysis of physical education in a university by experimental methods. The results show that physical education based on artificial intelligence can obviously improve students' strength, speed, endurance, and agility, which provides more important references for improving the effectiveness of physical education in colleges and universities.

The exploration of multimedia technology in physical education teaching is still continuing, including artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and so on. Ding et al. (2020) designed and put forward a system for college physical education based on virtual reality technology, which is composed of the Internet of Things, cloud platforms, and mobile clients, aiming at the problems of single teaching methods and insufficient distance teaching ability in the current college physical education teaching process. The system collects relevant data from the Internet of Things and interacts with the virtual reality scene in real time, rendering the scene through the cloud and experiencing the virtual reality through the mobile terminal. Through the analysis of specific experimental cases and user feedback information in a university, the results prove that the system has a good effect in the university sports virtual reality system, which provides scientific reference for deepening the university sports reform. Turdaliyev et al. (2024) aim to determine the influence of VR-assisted teaching on the performance of 10 physical education students in three universities in western Kazakhstan. Correlation analysis shows that VR-assisted training is closely related to the higher performance of city championships and the higher quality of physical training, which reflects the effective application of VR in physical education. Video games integrate sports activities into people's leisure time in an interesting and popular way. Guo (2024) combined 3D reconstruction technology in computer vision, constructed a set of human body shape reconstruction models, and applied it to physical exercise and teaching effect evaluation. This is a new attempt to incorporate multimedia technology in physical education.

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