Application of Big Data in College Student Education Management Based on Data Warehouse Technology and Integrated Learning

Application of Big Data in College Student Education Management Based on Data Warehouse Technology and Integrated Learning

Junping Zhou, Xueyuan Li
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/IJeC.346368
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Integrated learning has attracted much attention from industry and academia. In the new era, colleges and universities need to discuss information management in light of actual conditions, integrate different data in each information system into the same database, so as to form a data warehouse based on the integrated database which can truly reflect the historical changes of data and provides support for managers' decision-making. This paper analyzes the clustering effect of standard differential evolution algorithm, improved differential evolution algorithm and K-means algorithm. The algorithm is tested using Iris and Wine database marts, the results show that the K-means algorithm is a relatively poor algorithm and its accuracy is significantly lower than the other two. Based on big data, multi-factor interactive variance analysis technology is used to analyze different data indicators and influencing factors. Therefore, colleges and universities can use the database to better understand the problems and advantages in management, thus to improve management efficiency and teaching level.
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With the implementation of the national education informatization strategy, the demand for big data development and application has become more urgent. In the field of higher education, the application of big data technology has been in the initial exploration stage. However, despite this, we must also face the many challenges, difficulties, and unresolved issues that big data technology faces in student management in universities. The resolution of these issues is not only challenging for school administrators but also of great significance for the development of the entire education system. This article aims to build an independently developed student education management platform by deeply integrating big data analysis technology with school management to address these key issues. Through the deep integration of big data analysis technology and school management, this paper has built an independently developed student education management platform. Through the construction of education management data warehouse, this platform has created a one-stop service platform, explored and practiced education management and education innovation system, and used data mining to help improve the effectiveness of school management and education (Chen & Xu, 2020). Based on the “digital portrait” of students, an innovative system for school management and education is accurately constructed. In combination with the data visualization analysis of educational big data, intelligent recommendation, data storage for privacy protection, and other technologies, the management of colleges and universities is made more subjective. That is, the data comes from the managed and reacts on the managed, and finally the intelligent, scientific, and modern management of colleges and universities is realized. Its innovation mainly includes three aspects:

  • (1)

    To characterize the “digital portrait” of students through data mining and establish a credit evaluation system.

  • (2)

    To release early warning information through data analysis to assist school management and education management.

  • (3)

    Visually display the new achievements of management work through big data business intelligence (BI).

This article is divided into five sections in terms of organizational structure. The first section is the introduction, which analyzes the current application status of big data in college student education management, summarizes the reasons for the problems, and designs effective big data technologies and algorithms for education management, aiming to improve the efficiency of teaching management. The research purpose, methods, and innovative points of this article have been proposed. The second section is a literature review, summarizing its advantages and disadvantages, and proposing the research approach of this article. The third section is Materials and Methods, which provides a detailed introduction to the architecture and characteristics of a data warehouse, as well as the application of data warehouse technology in education management based on comprehensive learning. The fourth section is Results and Analysis, which elaborates on the personalized teaching system of educational management big data, compares database design and algorithms, and obtains the results. Specific development strategies and prospects for the application of big data in college education management are discussed. The fifth section is the conclusion, which mainly reviews the main content and achievements of this study.


Literature Review

It is important to investigate integrated learning. As a typical application of integrated learning, adapt education to the era of big data, and use the development and application of big data to promote the development, reform, and innovation of education. Supporting the intelligent development trend of education is a common topic for all education colleagues. Big data is not only a new technology but also a way of thinking and living completely differently from the traditional society (Ang et al., 2020). With the deepening of internet application and the expanding number of applications, big data’s huge value has become the basis for all sectors of society and has been deeply integrated into all levels, fields, and industries of social development, and the application of big data technology is expanding (Xi et al., 2017).

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