Analysis of Surface Topography on Duplex Stainless Steel AISI 2205 for Deep Sea Applications

Analysis of Surface Topography on Duplex Stainless Steel AISI 2205 for Deep Sea Applications

A. Vinoth Jebaraj, L. Ajay Kumar, C. R. Deepak
DOI: 10.4018/IJSEIMS.2015070104
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In this investigation, analysis of surface topography on Duplex Stainless Steel (DSS) AISI 2205 was carried out under the shot peened and various machined conditions. The surface profiles of the shot peened, polished, milled, ground and as received conditions were compared in micron level. In order to study the influence of shot peening on the profile of surface roughness, DSS samples were peened using S390 shots for different durations. Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) was observed on the surface of DSS due to peening. Also, peening has more effect on the austenite phases than the ferrite phases on DSS surface. The shot peened surface profiles obtained using S390 shots offer better topography as compared with the other machined and as received surface conditions. As a part of the study, the effect of dual shot peening was inspected by peening the surface using two shots which introduce lots of micro peaks and valleys on the surface of DSS.
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1. Introduction

Duplex Stainless Steel (DSS) grades are playing vital role in the fabrication of oil and gas pipe lines, offshore concrete structures, chemical tankers in ships, pipe lines in desalination plants, ocean mining machinery etc. Surface properties are playing major role in the life of a machinery or structure used in the marine environment (Nor Asma et al. 2011). Most of the failures happening in marine environment such as corrosion fatigue, Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) and the pitting corrosion are arising from the surface of the materials. It is better to prevent the failure than to analyze the cause of it. Therefore, an improved state of surface is very much essential for DSS to overcome the surface associated disasters.

Shot peening which is a cyclic cold working process introduces a compressive residual stress on the surface by repeated hitting of shots. It has been used for a quite long time to enhance the surface properties such as fatigue life (Roushdy, 1990, Suzuki, 2008 & Kokavec, 2011) and SCC resistance (Kirk, 2007 & Kritzler, 2002) especially for the marine components. Grain refinement, surface roughness and surface hardness are playing the major role in the benefits of peening (Sanjurjo et al 2010, Singh et al, 2010, Lah et al 2010 & Olivier, 2005). The parameters which are mainly influencing the peening process are the size and shape of the peening medium, hardness of the shots, peening velocity, peening angle etc. The size of the shot is mainly selected by considering the shape of the component to be peened. A large diameter shots usually reduce the peening coverage. Further, it is not possible to peen the gap of the parts using large diameter shots which has lesser radius of curvature.

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