Analysis Method of App Software User Experience Based on Multisource Information Fusion

Analysis Method of App Software User Experience Based on Multisource Information Fusion

Yongquan Chen, Ying Jiang, Haiyi Liu
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/IJSWIS.325216
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With the rapid development and popularization of intelligent terminals, app software has also developed rapidly. The research and practical value of mining user experience (UX) of app software form interaction information are becoming increasingly prominent. The interactive information of app software is multisource homogeneous and heterogeneous. In order to obtain more accurate and more comprehensive app software UX results, the fused multisource information should be analyzed. In this paper, the app software UX analysis method based on multisource information fusion is proposed. First, feature engineering is carried out to extract the features. Then, the feature combination tree is constructed after feature correlation mining. Finally, the multisource app software interactive data are fused, and the result is further analyzed to obtain the information of app software UX. The experiments clearly show that the method can effectively fuse multisource app software interaction data and help to comprehensively mine the app software UX embodied in the data.
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With the growing popularity of intelligent terminals in recent years, software applications have developed rapidly. Numerous App software packages run on massive numbers of intelligent terminals (Ahmed, 2019; Moreira et al., 2020). However, App software has the characteristics of a short development cycle, fast iterative updating and fierce competition, and competition in the App software industry is becoming increasingly fierce (Zhang et al., 2020). It is necessary to develop App software that is more in line with users' habits, interests, and preferences (Carlos et al., 2020). Therefore, how to mine user experience and the evolution of App software development driven by user requirements have attracted increasing attention (Sartori et al., 2022; Youm & Kim, 2022; Leem & Eum, 2021). User experience (UX) is described as a personal, subjective psychological feeling established by users in the process of using a product or service (JeffSauro & JamesR.Lewis, 2014). Olsson (2013) pointed out that UX is associated with vague, dynamic, and hard-to-quantify concepts, such as ‘experience’, ‘perception’, ‘pleasure’, and ‘emotions’. Additionally, UX depends on very dissimilar constructs that all encompass an endless area of research: the users themselves, the technical systems and functionalities, products or services, and the contextual factors such as social setting, cultural layers, and the users’ other activities. Haaksma et al. (2018) pointed out that UX is a more recent and broader concept than usability. Users pay much attention to the way that the product works: Does it work as intended, as expected, without flaws or obstructions? They also found that UX seems to be influenced by the specific context in which the product is normally used. Many papers on UX considered that the content of UX involves three aspects: user, product, and interaction environment (Tang et al., 2022; Ding et al., 2014; Berni & Borgianni, 2021).

Many studies hold the view that the UX of App software is also related to the above aspects. For example, Hu and Jiang (2019) argued that there were a lot of valuable software usage feedbacks in user comments, which could reflect the user's feeling in the process of using the software and the software characteristics concerned by the user. Jiang and Hu (2019) emphasized that software user comments were important information sources that helped users and software developers to evaluate software quality-in-use. Cao and Lin (2017) suggested that while apps were used, data logs were typically generated, and the ambience context was recorded, forming a rich data source of smartphone users’ behaviors that contained the user's behavior patterns, usage habits, interests and other user personal behavior information and UX. Furthermore, the environment in which the App runs is also a key factor influencing the UX of App software. Therefore, the analysis of App software UX needs to integrate the multisource interactive information of App software to obtain more accurate and reliable results of App software UX.

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