An Exhaustive Study and Analysis of Assorted Application and Challenges in Fog Computing and Emerging Ubiquitous Computing Technology

An Exhaustive Study and Analysis of Assorted Application and Challenges in Fog Computing and Emerging Ubiquitous Computing Technology

Mamata Rath, Rachita Misra
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/IJAEC.2018040102
(Individual Articles)
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The growing demand of new technology is impulsively observing the introduction of an innovative and computing paradigm that guarantees to profoundly affect the way we associate with PCs, electronic gadgets, mobile devices, cyber spaces, and associate peripherals. This new emerging technology, called ubiquitous computing, imagines a world where inserted processors, PCs, sensors, and advanced correspondences are reasonable products that are accessible all around any time. Ubiquitous computing will encompass clients with an agreeable and helpful data condition that unions physical and computational foundations into incorporated natural surroundings. This living space will include an expansion of hundreds or thousands of computing gadgets and sensors that will give new usefulness, offer specific administrations, and lift efficiency and cooperation. The current research article projects on basic computing theme on application challenges using mobile computing, emergence of fog computing and how more technical challenges were solved using IoT and ubiquitous computing from social, health care and networking point of view.
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2. Challenges In Ubiquitous Computing

The promising technical trend is evolving in the form of a vast computing paradigm called ubiquitous computing governing network hold up such as user service, storage, transmission and client support. Every evolving day objects are transforming into more smarter objects with connected networks. It obviously calls attention to that extraordinary application territories and segments will profit by this possibilities at various velocities and with subjective peculiarities. What's more, it additionally clarifies that ubiquitous computing not just stances specialized issues, it likewise includes genuine social, monetary and legal difficulties that require dynamic arrangements and administration. As has frequently been the situation with specialized developments and advances, ubiquitous computing brings up the issue of what kind of future we insect. This paper, on one hand, adds to the more prominent objectivity (Rath & Pati, 2017) toward this path. Then again, it plans to plot enough issues with the goal that a huge number of social gatherings and performers will be attracted to partake effectively in the talk on ubiquitous computing. With an idea and objective of some specific network related issues, the idea of Mobile Cloud Computing versatile distributed computing (MCC) has been proposed as a plan, where a cloud is utilized as stage to execute portable applications. MCC at its least complex alludes to a foundation where the two information stockpiling and information preparing occur outside of the cell phone (Zhang, 2017). Versatile cloud applications move the computing force and information stockpiling far from cell phone and into the cloud, which brings applications and portable computing (Rath, 2017) to not simply smart telephone clients but rather much visitor scope of versatile supporters. In such manner, to appreciate the ubiquitous computing portable endorsers need to pay central to a cloud specialist co-op, and in light of that the specialist co-op offers a few administrations that the cloud client has been bought in for those administrations.

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