Adaptive Marketing, Management Strategy, and Technology Innovation in Beverage and Hospitality Markets

Adaptive Marketing, Management Strategy, and Technology Innovation in Beverage and Hospitality Markets

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/IJIDE.324096
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The COVID-19 pandemic has been the catalyst for innovative thought within the Sweeter the Juice winery and wine bar. As a result of the pandemic, sales and revenue were reduced by 90%. With this pandemic came a surplus of safety guidelines, shortages in products, and delays on impending shipments. The brief period towards the beginning of the pandemic where both the state and federal governments mandated quarantine and shelter-in-place orders drastically impacted revenue, clientele, and organizational operations. The organization engaged a management consultant to help in the creation of an adaptive technology leadership and marketing strategy. This paper looks at management consulting-driven action research to influence the world of practice through the exploration of real-world organizational interventions focused on the development of electronic entrepreneurial solutions.
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The Focus Of This Research

The focus of this research is to investigate the interaction between strategic analysis and the representation of how the food and beverage industry is affected by COVID-19. Researchers speculate an organizational concentration ratio for the investment banking and securities dealing industry amounted to 51.7 percent in 2007 (El Namaki, 2013). Organizations attribute the inconsistency with their strategic position (El Namaki, 2013). Organizations adopt absolute or partial concentration to understand locus of control in an unpredictable marketplace. The number has grown exponentially as 76.6 percent of organizations experience high levels of concentration. Moreover, de-regulation contributing to investment capital failures in the early 80’s during the President Reagan years which saw increased unemployment and financial crisis. A combination of multiple events has contributed to the fluctuation of ratios within the food and beverage industry providing a shift in the elasticity of selling one product for one price and purchasing the same product at a different price. Supply-and-demand economics contribute to the global paradox of the food and beverage marketplace.

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