A Review on Conservation of Energy in Wireless Sensor Networks

A Review on Conservation of Energy in Wireless Sensor Networks

Oluwadara J. Odeyinka, Opeyemi A. Ajibola, Michael C. Ndinechi, Onyebuchi C. Nosiri, Nnaemeka Chiemezie Onuekwusi
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSTA.20200401.oa1
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This paper is a review on energy conservation in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Due to the nature of wireless sensor nodes in terms of deployment and their common usage in terrains with limited access, recharging or replacing sensor nodes batteries may be difficult. This paper examined various sources of energy in WSNs Battery, energy harvesting and energy transference. Also, various energy usage operations and energy wastage activities in WSNs were examined, and comparisons of different routing protocols based on network structure, energy dissipation, data communication cost, and entire energy usage in WSNs were itemized. The prospects of the machine learning (ML) approach in addressing energy constraint issues in WSNs were reviewed. This paper recommends a compound approach in routing decisions to maximize energy usage operation and minimize energy wastage activities, consideration for energy harvesting and transference mechanisms, and exploring the potentials in ML algorithms to resolve energy problem in wireless sensor networks.
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Energy Conservation In Wsns

The insatiable demand for energy, the unusual replacement of battery and the challenge of physical recharge of sensor’s battery after deployment should necessitate the need for thorough plan for supply and management of energy in WSNs. Figure 1 is an energy architecture used as a structure for review carried out in this paper. The broad classification of energy conservation schemes in WSNs are: Duty cycle scheme, data driven method and mobility technique.

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