A New Method for Prolonging Network Lifetime and Maintaining the Connectivity in Wireless Sensor Network Through Controlling the Transmission Power

A New Method for Prolonging Network Lifetime and Maintaining the Connectivity in Wireless Sensor Network Through Controlling the Transmission Power

Amira Bendjeddou, Nacira Ghoualmi, Congduc Pham
DOI: 10.4018/ijertcs.2014010101
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Energy preservation constitutes a very critical challenge in wireless sensor network surveillance applications. On one hand, transmitting data by using additional transmission power is among the biggest sources of energy consumption. On the other hand, using a small transmission power degrades the connectivity between nodes. In this paper, a Distributed transmission Power Control Method (DPCM) to minimize the consumed energy is proposed. Moreover, it aims to keep a good connectivity between nodes. These purposes are accomplished by adjusting, dynamically, the transmission power taking into account the connectivity information of the neighbors at one and two-hop. Simulation experiences are carried out to measure the performance improvements of the presented method in both static and mobile networks by using Castalia simulator. According to the obtained results, the authors' method minimizes the consumed energy without penalizing the connectivity between nodes compared to DPCS and farthest neighbor methods. In addition, DPCM achieves good performances in spite of node mobility.
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The transmission power control methods for wireless sensor networks are widely explored in the literature, these methods aim at reducing the radio wasted energy in the transmission state. In this section, we review some techniques of transmission power control proposed in the literature. These transmission power control methods for wireless sensor network may be classified on two main categories: power control based on topology information and power control based on the quality of link.

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