A New Kind of Image Edge Detection Based on The Theory of The Adaptive Lifting Wavelet and Morphology

A New Kind of Image Edge Detection Based on The Theory of The Adaptive Lifting Wavelet and Morphology

Honge Ren, Xiyan Xu, Meng Zhu, Dongxu Huo
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2018070107
(Individual Articles)
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This article describes how in traditional edge detection it is prone to defects such as fuzzy positioning, and noise influence. This article proposes a type of edge detection algorithm which combines lifting wavelet transform and adaptive mathematical morphology, which makes a lifting wavelet to analyze the wood cell image. Then, the high-frequency part is detected by using the algorithm fusing the wavelet packet and the rapid-combining multi-scale wavelet, which controls noise effectively; while for the low frequency part is detected with modified adaptive mathematical morphology, to locate the exact details. The final result will processes the edge of the image using “algebra” algorithm fusion. The example for a wood cell image which illustrates the algorithm is to detect the cell boundary relatively clearly, and effectively suppress the noise.
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2. Mathematical Morphology For Image Low Frequency Edge Detection

Edge detection method based on mathematical morphology uses structural elements in the form of a certain operator to measure and extract the corresponding shape from image. Through the “on”, “closed” operation can effectively reveal the gray edge of the image, to achieve the aim of image analysis and recognition. Structural elements are actually a gray “form” within a small window, its selection directly have an impact on the effect of image edge extraction.

In general, the window size use JITR.2018070107.m01, JITR.2018070107.m02, JITR.2018070107.m03 and JITR.2018070107.m04 window is fastest, the edge extraction is most sophisticated, so this article chooses JITR.2018070107.m05 planar structure elements (Wu, 2015).

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