A Game Theoretic Mechanism for Management of IoT Resources in a Smart City

A Game Theoretic Mechanism for Management of IoT Resources in a Smart City

Priya Matta, Bhaskar Pant, Sachin Sharma
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2021100109
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IoT is emerging in all the dimensions of the physical world, and smart city is one of the most promising among them. This article focuses on the efficient utilisation of resources in an IoT system. IoT resources have been identified and classified in context to a smart city. The number and type of resources may grow dynamically in a smart city, and user's demand may also vary dynamically. Therefore, to maximise the throughput of the system, the resources must be deployed, managed, and used efficiently. This manuscript has identified the concept, role, and composition of the resource manager with respect to an IoT system and presents a game theoretic approach to manage the resources from provider point of view. Using a complete and dynamic use case, including the multiple resources, it illustrates the usability of the proposed approach. The major focus is on the efficient use of IoT resources in a smart city.
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1. Introduction

In the last two decades, the impact of IoT has been evolved as a scenario where every single thing will be connected to every other thing via internet. IoT environment offers us the concept of the smart thing. In other words, every single thing is embedded with electronics as well as is internet-enabled. Designing and developing an IoT environment is a challenging as well as exciting task in itself. According to many researchers (Chen, Hu, Liu, Wang & Xu, 2014; Lee & Lee, 2015; Mikkonen & Taivalsaari, 2017; Mijic, 2018; Matta & Pant, 2019) there are a wide range of challenges encountered while designing an IoT system. One can face a number of technological as well social challenges while working on an IoT system. Once an IoT System is implemented, there are many challenges in its ideal and faultless execution. Resource management has remained in the forefront in all the emerging research fields, so in IoT.

According to researchers (Buyya, Chang & Srirama, 2019), resource management cannot be left untouched while talking about IoT resources. They professed that, the resources must be allocated among different tasks or the users depending on their efficiency and adaptability. Katiyar & Persai (2018) strongly proposed to manage IoT resources wisely, to ensure the minimum operating costs and to generate a highly suitable environment to live-in. Efficient resource management form a major technological challenge and are complex in a network of distributed interconnected devices (Mijic & Varga, 2018; Matta & Pant, 2017). According to some researchers (Jadhav, Khandare & Muddebhalkar, 2017), “resource management is a combination of network, application and system management. It includes performance monitoring, performance monitoring, configuration of network parameters and firmware upgrades”

Although some researchers (Botta, Donato, Persico & Pescape, 2016) agreed on the fact that Unlimited capacities and wide range of resources provided by Cloud is very beneficial for any IoT system, but then also the resources must be managed, allocated and accessed in a well-defined and efficient manner. Monzon(2015) also placed resource management as a critical issue in the category of smart environment while accomplishing smart city project actions.

A wide range of resources may exist in an IoT system (Cheng, Da, Li, Tao & Zhang, 2015; Sarkar et. al, 2016; Abhirup, Khanna & Rishi, 2017). These resources certainly differ in their configurations and capabilities. Their categories and number also vary along-with time. As per Abhirup, Khanna & Rishi (2017), IoT follows a scalable approach, it allows increase or decrease in resources in a dynamic fashion. According to (Sarkar et. al, 2016), any number of “things” could be added or subtracted from an IoT system, as there is a clear provision of cloud integration.

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