A Critical Review of Information Technology Innovations

A Critical Review of Information Technology Innovations

Ruben Xing, John Wang, Qiyang Chen
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/ijrcm.2013070105
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The authors critically review the history of information technology innovations, from a national competitive advantage perspective. Definitions of key terms are grounded in a thorough literature review, to inform a future meta-analysis. The authors identify the most significant US-based innovations, which in turn are driving future IT development. Propositions are generated for future IT-related studies.
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This is a critical review of archived data (Strang, 2013), with a purpose to organize and highlight key events in history related to IT innovations which have had a profound impact on the future.

Other than going through specific needs, features, and performances of concerned technologies, this research is going to approach our targets through the discussions for the following aspects:

  • 1.

    Redefining the contemporary information technology. Clarifying the real driving force and the differences for technology revolutions and innovations in last decades;

  • 2.

    Analysis for the roadmap of the most significant technology milestones. Further prove how the revolutionized technology inventions quickly stimulated huge amount of IT innovations among the vast areas in the last decades, and how significantly the revolutions and innovations may impact the move of entire business world;

  • 3.

    Summarize most typical trends of current IT movement, finding their impacts and importance on strategic plans and possible adjustments for all US businesses.

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