A Composite Safety Assurance Method for Developing System Architecture Using Model Checking

A Composite Safety Assurance Method for Developing System Architecture Using Model Checking

Qiang Zhi, Zhengshu Zhou, Shuji Morisaki
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSSP.2021010105
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Assurance case helps analyze the system dependability, but the relationships between system elements and assurance case are generally not clearly defined. In order to make system assurance more intuitive and reliable, this paper proposes an approach that clearly defines the relationships between safety issues and system elements and integrates them using ArchiMate. Also, the proposed method applies model checking to system safety assurance, and the checking results are regarded as evidence of assurance cases. This method consists of four steps: interaction visualization, processes model checking, assurance case creation, and composite safety assurance. The significance of this work is that it provides a formalized procedure for safety-critical system assurance, which could increase the confidence in system safety. It would be expected to make the safety of a system easier to explain to third parties and make the system assurance more intuitive and effective. Also, a case study on an automatic driving system is carried out to confirm the effectiveness of this approach.
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1. Introduction

As system assurance is the discipline that identifies and mitigates or removes exploitable vulnerabilities, it is increasingly important for both commercial and governmental activities. In the process of system development, dependability analysis for system components and functions is generally considered to be indispensable (Sommerville, 2015). As for system assurance, conventionally, the certifier determines the safety of a system through checklist items, there were few explicit discussions about why the system was safe if the checklist items were met. Where the safety of a system needs to be explained to a third party or stakeholders, the checklist items may not be sufficient to prove that the system is truly safe. When it is necessary to explain the safety of a system to a third party, it may be necessary not only to present the checklist items, but also to explain why those procedures and tests assure safety. In this case, developing assurance cases is a common measure. The assurance case (International Organization for Standardization 15026-1:2019, 2019) is a document for discussing the safety of a system based on the test results and verification results as evidence.

An assurance case is a structured argument, supported by evidence, used to demonstrate that a system exhibits some complex properties such as safety, security or reliability in a given environment. Assurance cases focused on safety are usually called “safety cases”. System architecture provides visualization of system elements and relationships, assurance case provides evidence of system dependability. Although the development of assurance case is often based on system architecture or system model, assurance cases have been developed independent of system architectures, the relationships between system architecture and assurance cases are often ambiguous, it would be difficult for third parties to grasp which components of the system are specifically addressed by the safety issues in the assurance case. Therefore, it is worth considering a new modeling method to combine system elements and assurance cases to make the system assurance more intuitive and effective. Besides, Assurance cases are often applied to safety-critical systems, which often have complex interactions or state transitions. However, it is difficult to show the dependability of the complex interactions by using only assurance cases because assurance case arguments are predominantly inductive rather than deductive.

Consequently, in order to make it easier to explain the dependability of the system to third parties and make the system assurance more intuitive and effective, this study tries to propose a composite safety assurance approach based on the 4-steps as follows.

1.1. Interaction Visualization

Visualizations are common means to analyze Enterprise Architecture (EA) models and support decision makers with relevant information. Especially for safety-critical systems, the visualization of the architecture is significant. From a software perspective, developing safety-critical systems in the numbers required and with adequate dependability is going to require significant advances in areas such as specification, architecture, verification and the software process (Knight, 2002). This article focuses on the visualization of interaction assurance based on system architectures. In this step, ArchiMate is used for modeling system architecture and process state transition. For the modeling of process transition, we referenced the State Transition Diagram and redefined the process transition relationship in ArchiMate. This will be covered in Section 3.

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