A Case Study: Triumph Charter School Provider: Inefficient or Incompetent Leadership?

A Case Study: Triumph Charter School Provider: Inefficient or Incompetent Leadership?

Verneshia (Necia) Boone
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/IJTEM.2016070103
(Individual Articles)
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Since the inception of charter school programs, the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) has invested more than $3 billion while political leaders and special interest groups continue to express concerns about public charter school providers lacking accountability and delivering poor quality education for our disadvantaged students (2015). In recent years, the DOE continue to offer guidance, revise policies, and federal resources concerning the oversight of public charter schools; however, the harsh criticism surrounding charter school failures across the United States has not diminished (2015). The essence of this journal paper is to present a case study about the female owner's lawsuits and challenges while operating Triumph Management Company and its Duke, Duchess Technology Centers that are located in Midwest Region of the United States.. The author will provide a historical overview and discuss the management structure, leadership styles and other related topics. Discussion questions appear at the end of article.
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Historical Overview

Charter school leaders who are legal citizens of the United States, have the resources availability and can adhere to rigorous charter school application requirements, can apply for either an individual or organization model. An individual owner(s) model is designed to allow experienced school administrators, teachers, community leaders, or political leaders to have complete ownership and management responsibilities of a school(s). The organization model is designed to allow an offsite administrative team to manage the back-office responsibilities of the school while skilled teachers and support staff manage the students and the schools. For either model, a designated person is responsible for the completion of a comprehensive and rigorous application process. Once the application is completed, it is submitted to the Board of Trustees of a local sponsor (e.g. a university, an educational institution, or a 501C (3) non-profit agency. Once a partnership is established with the local sponsor, and the application process is approved, charter school owners are eligible to receive state and federal funding. The designated owners have the authorization to enroll students while adhering to strict local, state, and federal guidelines.

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