Yousra Rajabalee

Yousra Banoor Rajabalee is an eLearning specialist. She has specialized herself in educational technologies and computer-based instructional design. She is a Lecturer in Education Technology at the Mauritius Institute of Education & Member of the Pole of Research on Innovative Pedagogies, Technologies and Practices in Education at the University of Mauritius.


Implementing Rapid E-Learning Through Interactive Materials Development
Mohammad Issack Santally, Yousra Rajabalee, Ravi Rajputh. © 2023. 232 pages.
In the past, the process of developing an interactive digital learning resource required content developers, technology experts, and learning designers to work together. As such...
Aligning Interactive Multimedia Development Practices With Mayer's Split-Attention Effect Principle
Yousra Banoor Rajabalee. © 2023. 16 pages.
Multimedia learning can be defined as the construction of knowledge based on instructions that are delivered through the combined use of visuals such as text, images, animations...
The Rapid E-Learning Method: A Guide to Developing Interactive Materials Development
Mohammad Issack Santally, Yousra Banoor Rajabalee, Ashvin Beetul. © 2023. 12 pages.
Rapid e-learning is a method to develop and deploy quality interactive learning materials in a shorter time span, and to address learning needs in different contexts—academic...
Modeling Students' Performances in Activity-Based E-Learning From a Learning Analytics Perspective: Implications and Relevance for Learning Design
Yousra Banoor Rajabalee, Mohammad Issack Santally, Frank Rennie. © 2020. 23 pages.
This paper reports the findings of a research using marks of students in learning activities of an online module to build a predictive model of performance for the final...