Wee Hoe Tan

Wee Hoe Tan is an Associate Professor and the Head of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts in UCSI University, Malaysia. Dr. Tan received a PhD in Education, specializing in game-based learning from University of Warwick. He began working between the creative industry and academia, facilitating university-industry collaboration in Malaysia, UK and US. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, he was a Visiting Faculty at SUTD Game Lab, Singapore, a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow at Penn State College of Education, and a Visiting Research Scientist at the Play2Prevent Lab, Yale Center for Health and Learning Games. His research interests spread across various fields in creative multimedia and inventive problem solving.


International Journal of eSports Multidisciplinary Research (IJEMR)
Sang Nam. Est. 2022.
The International Journal of eSports Multidisciplinary Research (IJEMR) provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to share leading-edge knowledge in eSports. IJEMR is a...
International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL)
Wee Hoe Tan. Est. 2011.
The International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL) is devoted to the theoretical and empirical understanding of game-based learning. To achieve this aim, the journal...