Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows aka Don Trent Jacobs)

Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows) , aka Don Trent Jacobs , has a Ph.D. in Health Psychology and an Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a cognate in Indigenous Worldview. He is a made-relative of the Oglala, a Sun Dancer, Pipe Carrier and a member of the Medicine Horse Tiospaye. Currently faculty in Fielding Graduate University’s School of Leadership Studies, he was a tenured associate professor at Northern Arizona University and before that was Director of Education at Oglala Lakota College on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Author of numerous publications, including, Restoring the Kinship Worldview, co-authored with child-development specialist, Darcia Narvaez, he was selected by AERO as one of 27 visionaries in education. He lives in Mexico where his daughter Jessica and his four grandchildren come to revitalize their Indigeneity in the coastal wilderness of Jalisco. For more information, visit his website at fourarrowsbooks.com.


The Kinship Worldview: Unschooling and Indigenous Spirituality
Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows aka Don Trent Jacobs), Jessica London Jacobs. © 2023. 16 pages.
In this chapter, the authors introduce some Indigenous worldview precepts as a way to define and bring forth spirituality in education. Then the authors use a fictional story...