Vishal Jain

Vishal Jain is an Assistant Professor in the University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Sultanate of Oman. He holds PhD, MBA, and PGDCA. He has 25 years of rich experience in Industry and Academia. He has taught several courses like Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Operations, Research, and Quantitative etc. His academic contributions include a number of articles, chapters and conference papers. His main research areas include marketing, retailing, and social sciences.


Destination Branding and Mega Events: A Case of FIFA World Cup 2022 and Sultanate of Oman
Mohit Kukreti, Amitabh Mishra, Aarti Dangwal, Vishal Jain, Veena Tewari. © 2023. 18 pages.
Tourist attractions are often centered on mega sports events. Since the mega events have the potential to generate new revenue and enhance the appeal of the destination...