Vinod Kumar

Vinod Kumar is a Professor of Technology and Operations Management of the Sprott School of Business (Director of School, 1995–2005), Carleton University. He received his graduate education from the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Manitoba. He has published over 150 papers in refereed journals and proceedings. He has won several Best Paper Awards in prestigious conferences, Scholarly Achievement Award of Carleton University for the academic years 1985–1986 and 1987–1988, and Research Achievement Award for the year 1993 and 2001. Vinod is a well known expert in the field of technology and operations management. He has consulted DND, CIDA, Canada Post, Industry Canada, CHEO, Federal Partners of Technology Transfer and Canadian Association of Business Incubator to name a few. Before joining academia in the early 80s, Vinod worked for five electronics and manufacturing firms for over 15 years in Canada, India, and the U.S. in various line and staff management positions. Vinod has given invited lectures to professional and academic organizations in Australia, Brazil, China, Iran, and India among others. He has taught in Executive MBA programs in Canada and Hong Kong and in Sprott MBA in Ottawa, Iran, and China where he enjoys connecting his industry and research experience with management theories.


Diffusion of Innovation and Capability Theory in the Context of E-Government
Mahmud Akhter Shareef, Vinod Kumar, Uma Kumar, Ahsan Akhter Hasin. © 2009. 19 pages.
E-government (EG) enables governments to provide citizens easier and electronic access to information and modernized services through personal computers, kiosks, telephones, and...