Vecihi Serbay Zambak

Vecihi Serbay Zambak , Ph.D., is an assistant professor of mathematics education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Zambak directs the mathematics programs and serves as the program director of Interdisciplinary Studies for Educators. Prior to joining Monmouth, he taught secondary mathematics in private and public high schools in Istanbul, Turkey, and in the Netherlands. He earned his Master of Science in Mathematics and Science Education from the University of Amsterdam, where his thesis focused on a quasi-experimental study of ninth-grade students' mathematical reasoning with numerical systems. Both his doctoral and post-doctoral studies at Clemson University and Marquette University focused on preparation and development for STEM teachers. His research interests center around STEM teachers’ professional noticing, argumentation skills, content learning with technology, and interdisciplinary teaching abilities. Zambak utilizes mixed methods research and teaches the EDD-752: Quantitative Research course in the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership program at Monmouth University.


College Enrollment Differences: The Impact of Title I-Funded Elementary Schools
Laura Marie Karns, Vecihi Serbay Zambak. © 2024. 20 pages.
High school students select from a variety of post-secondary plans including higher education, employment, enrollment in the armed forces, and gap years. Educational attainment...
Five-Week Module to Introduce Interdisciplinary STEAM Vision to Preservice Secondary Teachers: A Collaborative Teacher Education Approach
Vecihi Serbay Zambak, Alex Romagnoli, Judith Bazler, Meta Lee Van Sickle. © 2024. 19 pages.
To improve students' interdisciplinary learning, it is necessary to find ways to support teacher candidates' views on pedagogical preparation for STEAM practices during...
Supporting Pre-Service Teachers' Argumentation-Focused Visions of Mathematics Teaching and Learning in a Teacher Preparation Program
Marta T. Magiera, Vecihi S. Zambak, Hyejin Park. © 2022. 23 pages.
This chapter describes the design of integrated learning spaces (ILS) for prospective teachers (PSTs) to support PSTs' learning about reform-based teaching by helping them...
Developing and Applying the Law of Cosines: Using Star Maps as a Context
Vecihi S. Zambak, Budi Mulyono. © 2020. 15 pages.
In history, geometry was founded more as a practical endeavor than a theoretical one. Early developments of the branch portray philosophers' attempts to make sense of their...