Vanessa Gaffar

Vanessa Gaffar is professor in Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and currently a vice dean for academic affairs in the faculty. She had her bachelor degree in Accounting from Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung Indonesia and hold her MBA degree form Wright State University, Dayton Ohio, USA. She completed her doctoral degree form Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung Indonesia. Her research interests are in the field of customer relationship management, social media, tourism marketing, sports tourism, and entrepreneurship. Her works have been published in national and reputable international journals, conference proceedings as well as books. She is also an active reviewer for reputable international journals and national accredited journals. She has been doing international collaborations with research partners from Malaysia, Thailand, The Philippines, Spain, The Netherlands, USA, and United Kingdom. She spent her two-year time as a research fellow at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University, UK.


Green Marketing Strategies for Indonesia's Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
Vanessa Gaffar, Tika Koeswandi. © 2024. 30 pages.
Indonesia as a developing country has a long history of implementing the development transition to become a developed country. During this transition process, social and...
Climate Change and the Sustainable Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Vanessa Gaffar, Tika Koeswandi. © 2021. 19 pages.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an essential role as the key driver in national economic resilience. In developing countries, they contribute to most of the GDP...