Valeri Qatani

Valeri Qatani , born on May 23, 2003, is currently a third-year student, continuing her Law studies at “Ukshin Hoti” University in Prizren. Since the beginning of my academic journey, I have been a scholarship holder. Student representative in the Faculty of Law and member (ex officio) in the Council of the Faculty of Law. Passionate about scientific research, especially in the field of legal studies. With an unwavering commitment to furthering my expertise in my chosen field and making meaningful contributions to society, I approach each day with enthusiasm and determination.


Global Perspective: Legal Issues on DeFi Regulation in the European Union
Halim Bajraktari, Valeri Qatani. © 2024. 13 pages.
With its new blockchain-based solutions and its challenge to established financial systems, decentralized finance (DeFi) has become a “force” on the global financial scene. This...