Tricia M. Farwell

Tricia M. Farwell , Ph.D. joined the Middle Tennessee State University faculty in 2008 to teach in the advertising and public relations concentrations in the School of Journalism. Farwell holds a Ph.D., two Masters degrees (obtained concurrently), and a Bachelor of Arts from Arizona State University. Prior to her academic career, she had a successful career in small business communication in the industrial sector. Farwell’s research has appeared in a variety of publication outlets including book chapters in editions published by Sage and journals such as MEIEA, the Journal of Public Relations Education, the American Journal of Qualitative Research, and Advertising & Society Quarterly. She is author of the book, Love and Death in Edith Wharton's Fiction. She is currently the associate editor of the Journal of Advertising Education.


Influencers Using Instagram to Promote Change in the Knitting Community
Tricia M. Farwell. © 2024. 18 pages.
This chapter examines the online discussions and resulting changes in an online crafting community on Instagram. Using Kelman's framework of attitude change, this study of...
Risky Media: Using Subversive Technologies in Education to Question Assumptions about Power, Teaching, and Assessment
Matthew J. Kruger-Ross, Tricia M. Farwell. © 2013. 19 pages.
This chapter seeks to critically examine and question common assumptions underpinning educators’ use and incorporation of technology in the classroom. Drawing upon transformative...