Touma B. Issa

Touma B. Issa holds Ph.D. from Murdoch University, Western Australia. He is an Adjunct Research Associate at Murdoch University. He has an over twenty-five years’ experience in academia and industry in chemistry. Between 2009 and 2014, he presented lectures on Energy Storage to post graduate students. His research interests include: analytical chemistry particularly relating to atmospheric pollution, electrochemistry as applied to batteries where he was involved in planning and conducting research and development activities to optimize the smart flow battery chemistry technologies, surface modified electrodes, waste water purification and remediation of ground drinking water. Touma is a member of The Royal Australian Chemical Institute since 1993, and a member of The Electrochemical Society since 2006.


Smart Technology Applications in Business Environments
Tomayess Issa, Piet Kommers, Theodora Issa, Pedro Isaías, Touma B. Issa. © 2017. 429 pages.
Technology continues to make great strides in society by providing opportunities for advancement, inclusion, and global competency. As new systems and tools arise, novel...