Tina Štemberger

Tina Štemberger, PhD, holds a PhD in Educational Sciences and is currently an assistant professor for Educational Research at University of Primorska, Faculty of Education and Vice-Dean for research. Her main research area is the field of educational research, with the focus on combining qualitative and quantitative research approach. She is also interested in and done research in web-based research, mixed-methods research, creativity in preschool and creativity of preschool teachers, inclusive education and inclusive competences in kindergarten and school, school leadership and teacher professional development. In the past two years she has been a coordinator of the project “Innovative and flexible learning and teaching in teacher education programmes”. She has published numerous original scientific papers and two monographies.


Implicit Pedagogy for Optimized Learning in Contemporary Education
Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec, Lucija Jančec, Tina Štemberger. © 2019. 335 pages.
In addition to the content prescribed by the official curriculum of any given educational establishment, students learn other information and skills outside of the intended and...