Thomas Delaney

Thomas Delaney (PhD University of Auckland; MA, Monterey Institute of International Studies) has taught in Korea, Japan, Colombia, Turkey, New Zealand, and the United States. In addition to teaching English for academic purposes at the University of Oregon, he is involved in training language teachers in the UO's Language Teaching Studies MA program. In addition to being interested in all aspects of language teaching and program administration, his research agenda currently focuses on issues related to assessment, such as setting standards for placement tests and implementing effective test specification and evaluation procedures in language programs. He also has on ongoing interest in the relationships between individual learner differences (personality, anxiety, and learner beliefs) and language learning.


Handbook of Research on Assessment Literacy and Teacher-Made Testing in the Language Classroom
Eddy White, Thomas Delaney. © 2019. 410 pages.
The evaluation of student performance and knowledge is a critical element of an educator’s job as well as an essential step in the learning process for students. The quality and...