Teresa Sofia Pereira Dias de Castro

Teresa Sofia Pereira Dias de CastroTeresa Sofia Pereira Dias de Castro holds a European PhD in Educational Technology. Her doctoral research: "“It’s a complicated situation”. Harm in everyday experiences with technology. A qualitative study with school-aged children", developed with the supervision of António Osório, University of Minho, Institute of Education (Braga, Portugal), was funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. As part of the doctoral degree, she did a research period at University Campus Suffolk (UK) under the supervision of Doctor Emma Bond. Currently, collaborating as a researcher and training primary teachers in four counties in the North of Portugal since 2015 in an university (University of Minho)/company (Lusoinfo Multimedia) consortium project ‘MaisCidadania’ (+Citizenship), a digital platform with educational digital resources where teachers, children (aged 6-10) and families are involved in action-research and participatory learning processes. She is a associate researcher at the Research Unit in Criminology and Behavioral Sciences (UICCC) Instituto Superior da Maia (ISMAI, Portugal); and member of the Research Network "Teens and Contemporary Visual Culture" - Skins Project Steering Group (University of Oxford, UK). Member of the EU Kids Online network (Portuguese team); member of COST Action IS1410: The Digital Literacy and Multimodal Practices of Young Children (DigiLitEY), working group 5 – Methodologies and ethics for research on digital literacy. Collaborates with the Institute for Child Support (IAC). Holds a Master Degree in Child Studies - Information and Communication Technologies at University of Minho. A degree in Philosophy and Humanities from the Portuguese Catholic University. From 2009 to 2011 was a research assistant in the European Research Project "SimSafety - Flight Simulator for Internet Safety". In 2016 she did qualitative research with twenty families on how Portuguese younger children (aged 3-8) are accessing and using screens at home and how are parents mediating those practices, with the supervision of Professor Cristina Ponte, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


The Networked Effect of Children and Online Digital Technologies
Teresa Sofia Pereira Dias de Castro, António Osório, Emma Bond. © 2019. 18 pages.
Within the scope of how technology impacts society, three theoretical models—the social shaping of technology (SST), social construction of technology (SCOT), and the...
The Networked Effect of Children and Online Digital Technologies
Teresa Sofia Pereira Dias de Castro, António Osório, Emma Bond. © 2018. 15 pages.
Within the scope of how technology impacts on society three theoretical models: the social shaping of technology (SST), social construction of technology (SCOT) and the...
Online Violence: Listening to Children's Online Experiences
Teresa Sofia Pereira Dias de Castro, António José Osório. © 2015. 16 pages.
The Internet imprints a great complexity to new and old risks as threats become more available in children's lives. Criminals have greater access to the victims and Internet...