Tebeje Molla

Tebeje Molla , an ARC Future Fellow at Deakin University's School of Education, specializes in educational inequality, policy responses, and transnational education policy processes. He spearheads a nationally funded project investigating school engagement among refugee-background African heritage students in Australia. His research is theoretically grounded in critical sociology and the capability approach to social justice and human development.


Beyond Access: How Racial Othering Undermines Refugees' Educational Capabilities
Tebeje Molla. © 2024. 16 pages.
This chapter outlines the profound implications of Racial Othering on students with a refugee background, specifically centring on the experiences of African heritage youth....
Cultural Citizenship and Refugee Integration: The Case of African Youth in Australia
Tebeje Molla. © 2021. 18 pages.
This chapter sheds light on the cultural citizenship of refugee-background Black Africans in Australia. Specifically, it elaborates on cultural citizenship as an analytical...