Tanveer Kajla

Tanveer Kajla is an engineering graduate with doctorate in Tourism Analytics, presently working in NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, India. He worked as Assistant Professor with Lovely Professional university. Prior to that he also worked as Research Associate under ICSSR-IMPRESS Major Project at Punjabi University, Patiala (IN). He has published and presented papers in globally acclaimed conferences and Journals. He has been instrumental delivering expert talks on subjects like Business Analytics, Big Data Analytics, Microsoft Excel, R and Hadoop in academic institutions. His area of research includes Social Network Analysis, Sentiment Analysis, Twitter and Facebook analysis, Text Classification.


Multidisciplinary Applications of Extended Reality for Human Experience
Tanveer Kajla, Pooja Kansra, Nripendra Singh. © 2024. 519 pages.
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, extended reality (XR) technologies have emerged as transformative tools that blur the boundaries between the physical and...
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Human Resource Management: A Bibliometric Content Analysis and Future Research Agenda
Chandni Rani, Tanveer Kajla. © 2023. 16 pages.
Human resource is facing a transformation challenge with artificial intelligence(AI). AI's position is larger in various human resource (HR) functions where robotics...
Blockchain in the Banking Sector: Revolution or Digital Disruption?
Tanveer Kajla, Vishal Sarin, Sahil Raj. © 2022. 9 pages.
Financial institutions opting for blockchain technology raise controversy about how this new technology can disrupt the traditional banking sector. Many issues like a...