Syawal Syawal

Syawal Syawal ’s life principle is ‘life for giving,’ and he is a lecturer at Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare, who completed his doctoral program at Makassar State University in 2021. As a dedicated academic, she teaches and actively writes articles for reputable national and international journals. Her research covers various topics in English as a foreign language (EFL) learning in Indonesia. One of her most recent articles is ‘Virtual traveling strategies in teaching writing during COVID-19 pandemic’, published in the Research Journal in Advanced Humanities published in 2023. This paper provides valuable insights into English language learning strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, he was also involved in the research ‘Investigating Indonesian EFL Learners’ Learning and Acquiring English Vocabulary”, published in the International Journal of English Linguistics in 2017. This research makes an important contribution to understanding the process of learning and acquiring English vocabulary among Indonesian learners. He is also an active speaker in several international conferences such as AsiaTEFL, TEFLIN, iNELTAL, Tesol, etc. Her contributions in these forums not only broadened the scope of her academic knowledge but also strengthened her professional network at the international level. In addition to her academic activities, she is active in various professional and community organizations, including APSPBI, PTMA International Affairs Office Association, and Muhammadiyah Youth. Her involvement in these organizations reflects her commitment to professional development and her positive contribution to society. Based on her experience, it can be said that she is a talented and experienced academic with a strong commitment to educational development and the betterment of society. With her innovative research and contributions to international forums, she continues to be an inspiring figure in academia and society.


Tech-Enhanced Early Learning: Harnessing the Power of Persuasive Educational Technologies
Andi Asrifan, Restu Januarty Hamid, Syawal Syawal, Muthmainnah Muthmainnah. © 2024. 34 pages.
This chapter provides a comprehensive review of the integration and impact of persuasive educational technologies in early childhood education. It explores the theoretical...