Surya Narayan Panda

Surya Narayan Panda, Director Research, Chitkara University, Punjab, India, is Ph.D. Computer Science, working towards development of innovative technologies and product based on Internet of things and Cloud Computing. He is expertized in Cyber security, Networking, Advanced Computer Network, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He has filed 8 patents, 55 international publications in the relevant area and involved in Internet of things healthcare devices like Portable Intensive Care Unit, Digital Laryngoscope etc. He has developed the prototype of Smart Portable Intensive Care Unit through which doctor can provide the immediate virtual medical assistance to emergency cases in ambulance and won prestigious Millennium Alliance Award from FICCI in 2017 and seed funding for his project. He is also working on a project “Cyber Technology Communication for Women Safety” which is funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. Of India and another project “Remote Vital Information and Surveillance System for Elderlyand Disabled Persons” which is again funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.


IoT and WSN Applications for Modern Agricultural Advancements: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Proshikshya Mukherjee, Prasant Kumar Pattnaik, Surya Narayan Panda. © 2020. 145 pages.
Currently, the demand by consumption of agricultural products may be predicted quantitatively; moreover, the variation of harvest and production by the change of a farm's...