Steven Kickbusch

Steven Kickbusch is a Learning Designer and has worked extensively across all levels of the education industry (tertiary, secondary, and primary), the government sector, and within corporate environments where he oversees the design, development, and implementation of engaging student-focused education experiences. His research focuses on expertise in the role of the Learning Designer and how Learning Designers work and collaborate with teachers and academic staff collaborate to improve student experience.


Applying Learning Analytics in Designing for Professional Skills and Attributes in Tertiary Education
Henk Huijser, Natasha Arthars, Roger Cook, Sam Cunningham, Steven Kickbusch, Kate Thompson, Daniela Vasco, Gavin Winter. © 2023. 17 pages.
In this chapter the authors explore the use of learning analytics (LA) to track skills acquisition in tertiary education environments, with a specific focus on group work skills....