Stephen Bolaji

Stephen Bolaji , Ph.D., is a research active academic and teaches graduate programs and secondary curriculum humanities units in the Discipline of Education, Faculty of Arts and Society, Charles Darwin University, Australia. Prior to joining CDU, he was a lecturer at the Department of Educational Foundations and Counselling, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria. His research interest is in Educational foundations – Comparative, Sociology, History, Philosophy and Policy studies in education.


A Segue From Search to Dialogue: Leveraging GenAI for Pre-Service Teacher Training
Marcella Dillig, Anselm Böhmer, Jon Mason, Stephen Bolaji, Illie Isso, Mirona Horiana Stănescu, Hilal Sahin, Aslihan Kuraner. © 2024. 34 pages.
For over two decades, educational technologies have been embedded within an approach to inquiry dominated by the “search paradigm.” However, conversational AI presents an...