Soujata Rughoobur-Seetah

Soujata Rughoobur-Seetah holds a BSc (Hons) in Management (Minor: Information Systems), a MBA in Financial Management and a PhD in Management with specialization in Human Resource Management. Soujata as a Senior Lecturer is actively engaged in teaching the BCom and Masters programme at Curtin Mauritius in the field of Management and Human Resource Management. Soujata has been a part time lecturer in her respective field at the University of Mauritius and University of Technology, Mauritius since 2014 to 2016. Her research interests are Employee turnover, Quality of work life, Organisational support, Organisational justice, Higher Education, Tourism and Gender.


Fostering Critical Soft Skills of Graduates for Employability and Professional Growth
Geshwaree Huzooree, Loga Devi Balla Soupramanien, Soujata Rughoobur-Seetah. © 2025. 52 pages.
In the 21st century's evolving professional landscape, graduate employability and growth rely on critical soft skills. This chapter explores these essential soft skills for...
The Influence of Teleworking on Work-Life Balance and Employee Psychological Health: Evidence From Mauritius, a Small Island Economy
Zuberia Aminah Hosanoo, Soujata Rughoobur-Seetah. © 2024. 25 pages.
This chapter investigates the impact of teleworking on the psychological health of employees in the new era of work shaped by the pandemic. Adopting a positivist approach in the...